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- Kategorie: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Shareable Comment Tool - (SEO Washington?) By
- Zugriffe: 21628
Shareable Comment Tool - SEO (Washington?)
Sharing website content in Washington and engaging readers are some of the elements included in seo.
This can of course be done in several different ways. One way is to give readers in Washington the opportunity to comment on website content. Often this is done by implanting a comment software at the end of the web content.
Some web systems have comments software pre-installed, eg Blogger and Wordpress. But it is not entirely unusual for pre-installed commenting software to be limited to the web system in which they are installed.
You can make a comment software yourself easily. To make a comment software I have used Google Spreadsheet - used to make a comment and engagement bar and Airtable to build the comment platform itself. You can see the result below.
This method can of course be developed further with a focus on social media, etc.
The advantage of just this model is that it is a model that is good to use to build backlinks and to start driving traffic. *Note the links in the reply comments in the comment platform. These links are directed to this website and in the long run these will function as traffic generators - ie visitors from Washington who get involved in the comment platform will be sent to this website if they click on the links. The extent of the traffic flow is unclear, but most likely it will increase over time based on engagement around the commenting platform.
So now you know how to create your own commenting platform absolutely free that can generate traffic to your website in Washington or in some other city.
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