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- Category: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
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- Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm By
- Hits: 23
International publication with a specific country focus - How it can be implemented?
Content creators often aim to share certain specific information with a certain target group in a certain country. Technology to be able to implement this with successful results is seo, content that is written in the same language as the target group, e.g. English, German, etc.
In addition to this, a web system that gives the content creator the right conditions to succeed. Conditions that involve technical seo in the web system that the content creator uses.
The content creator also needs what is known as Google Trust. That is, the creator needs a website that is verified by Google, Bing, etc. and the creator should ideally have published quality content on the web for a longer period of time.
Which web system is suitable to use for this?
A web system that I want to advocate is Joomla. I advocate Joomla because this system is very powerful. As far as I know, there is probably no other system that has the same potential as Joomla. The disadvantage of Joomla is that it is very complex and that it takes time to become a good Joomla administrator. All different settings that can be made in the backend and settings that should be made (default) require the administrator to have Joomla knowledge.
In one of my previous articles, I wrote about how to measure a Joomla website using GT Metrix and Google Page Speed Insights. If the right settings are made in Joomla in combination with content that is seo based then both GT Metrix and Google Page Speed Insights will give the Joomla website owner high scores.
Furthermore, to publish content internationally, settings in Joomla can be made with specific language settings. That is, the content creator chooses in the Joomla Backend which country/ language the content has. Through these choices, the orientation of the content is also made clear when search engines crawl/ index the content on the Joomla website.
How is it made?
Through several different parameters. Among other things through the website link linked to the content.
This link makes it clear to search engines that the content is related to Swedish.
Further examples:
This link makes it clear to search engines that the content is related to Swedish and that the content is related to certain geographical point, in this example Höganäs (hoeganaes).
This, in combination with the fact that relevant article content consists of text and H1, H2, H3, etc., longitude and latitude value that is linked to a certain geographical point, increases the odds that the content will be indexed and ranked in the right place in search engines.
Thus, the content creator through the Joomla system can create unique content with specific/ exact geographical search engine targeting. This is unique and of course gives content creators great opportunities in connection with publishing on the web.
Furthermore, this can be tailored in connection with the Joomla administrator building his website structure through created menus, categories, subcategories and more.
When all the settings are done in Joomla, then it is followed by a new phase. Namely to start publishing content.
When I create my content for my Joomla site, I always start writing the content in Google Docs. I write the content in normal text format in my native language ie Swedish. At this stage, I do not focus on building headlines, links, etc., but once again I write the content in pure text format.
When the article is finished in Google Docs, i choose to translate it by using the translation service that is built into Google Docs under the Tools tab. There, i select the language into which I want to translate my original content. Eg from Swedish to French etc.
When it's done, I copy the content into Google Docs. After this, I log into my Joomla backend and choose "create a new article". When a new article is to be created in Joomla, this is done through the embedded CMS system that is in the Joomla backend. In the CMS system, I paste the text that I copied from Google Docs. When the text is pasted, I adjust it by creating headings (H1, H2, H3, etc., adding internal links in the text as well as other technical settings such as adding keywords, meta description, language focus, open graph value, etc. When everything is ready, i select the date, time for publication and click "publish".
The article is thus published in the Joomla system under the country orientation that I have chosen. Means that when a visitor clicks on the flag that is linked to the country orientation that my article has, the article will be displayed in several different places in the Joomla systemś frontend.
Building content with this incredible precision is cut and dried for serious content creators.
I don't think there is any quick fix equivalent to Joomla, but if you are serious and want to invest some of your time in creating content for the web then the Joomla system is recommended. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the Joomla system and enjoy all the opportunities you get around creating powerful content for the web.
When you have your Joomla system completely set up, you can choose just about any country orientation. You can thus start publishing content with an international focus.
From a traffic perspective, there are certain rules of thumb and above all in the context when it comes to language choice of created content. For example, an article in English tends to drive more traffic to the website than an article in, say, Dutch does. So when creating content, this is a factor to consider. If you want maximum traffic then language should also be chosen based on this for the Joomla content that is created. But again, the content creator determines the exact targeting and target point.
If the content creator wants to create a Joomla article about bananas on Karl-Johan Street in Oslo in Norway then he can do it.
The Joomla system gives you the opportunity to build powerful Joomla content that can be targeted internationally 🙂.
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Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.”
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was born in 1976 on June 21 in Mölle. Has knowledge in internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO). He has expertise in online personal brand strategy and expansion, market analysis, affiliate marketing web automation, extravagant search engine optimization methods. Other relevant knowledge and university studies can be found in the subjects of data analysis and statistics as well as in radiology and image analysis. He got part of his breakthrough when he started his craft company in 2008. Karl-Johan has a patent for the name "Gyllenstorm". Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has worked as a team base, project manager and site manager in previous professional activities. Gyllenstorm is one of the arms of the House of Knights.
Karl-Johan Gyllenstormś digital books.
Karl-Johan has over 16 years of experience in digital marketing.
The digital marketing journey started in 2008. Karl-Johanś first digital marketing project was a website for his painting business.The website was built in the Joomla system and dominated on relevant Top keywords in the painting industry. He now writes articles about marketing and search engine optimization in the Joomla system and shares his knowledge with the whole world.
Learn more about Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm.
Age: 48
Weight: 106 kg
Length: 188 cm
Shoe Size: 46
Hair color: Brown
Body type: Athletic
Instagram: gyllenstorm_kj
Twitter: gyllenstorm_kj
Medium: kgyllenstorm

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Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.” |