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- Reklāmkarogs veiksmīgi saglabāts.
- Kategorija: Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm
- Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm By
- Skatījumi: 6842
- SEO score for this article is: 77/ 100
- All rights reserved: The content is published with support from the freedom of expression constitution and the freedom of the press regulation © 2024.
- Longitude Latitude: Longitude 7.416667, Latitude 43.733334
- Geographical Area: Monacói
- Article subject: Példa a monacói étterem digitális marketingjére
- Reading time: 3,5 min
- Age Target group is: Age 19-70
- The article contains: Digital marketing information
- XML synced to number of sitemaps: 23
- XML Synced: Synced with multi XML sitemaps
Monacót egész évben gyakran látogatják milliomosok a világ minden tájáról, akik közül néhánynak Monacóban van ingatlana, így az év egy bizonyos szakaszában Monacóban élnek. Nem szokatlan, hogy a monacói milliomosok jachtjuk Monacóban lakik.
Mindazonáltal ez a jól ismert ügyfélkör rendszeresen ellátogat Monaco finomabb éttermeibe, és nem szokatlan, hogy először a Google-on keresik az étteremkínálatot, mielőtt eldöntik, melyik monacói éttermet látogassák meg.
Ebből kiindulva természetesen nagyon fontos, hogy a monacói éttermek megjelenjenek a Google-on a monacói éttermek keresésében.
Látható, hogy néhány alapvető paraméter fontosabb, mint mások, amikor egy monacói éttermet reprezentáló tartalom digitális marketingjéről van szó. Keresőoptimalizálás szempontjából azt szeretné, ha a monacói étterem webhelye a következőkből állna:
Tiszta tartalom, amely tükrözi a tartományt, árat, nyitvatartási időt, üzleti előzményeket, tulajdonost, foglalási lehetőségeket, ajánlatot, vendégértékelést, címet, helyet, telefonszámot, e-mailt, kapcsolatfelvételi űrlapot, fizetési lehetőségeket.
A weboldalon található információkat a Művészet minden szabálya szerint kell felépíteni. Vagyis a címsoroknak H1, H2, H3 stb. formátumúaknak kell lenniük, a szövegben szerepelniük kell a belső és külső hivatkozásoknak, a weboldalon könnyen navigálhatónak kell lennie, a weboldalnak gyorsan be kell töltenie minden böngészőben, képen alt címkékkel kell rendelkeznie, a videóknak a megfelelő metaadatokat kell tartalmazniuk, a weboldalnak tartalmaznia kell a megfelelő tartalmú menetrendet, a weboldalnak tartalmaznia kell a CTA cselekvésre ösztönző hivatkozásokat vagy gombokat, amelyek leegyszerűsítik a látogatót. A honlapnak reszponzívnak kell lennie, a weboldalon található szövegnek jól olvashatónak kell lennie, a honlap fordításának lehetőségét biztosítani kell, átlátható menük állnak rendelkezésre, amelyekhez mellékelni kell, hogy honnan származnak a hozzávalók és hogyan készül az étel, mivel valamint azt, hogy mely szakácsok készítik az ételt.
Ha a monacói étterem a halat kínálja, akkor ezt egyértelműen fel kell tüntetni a weboldal címében és a metaadatokban, képekben, videókban, fájlokban.
Lehetőséget kell biztosítani a látogatónak az e-kártya letöltésére a weboldalon.
Linkek a közösségi médiában található tartalomhoz. A közösségi médiában található tartalomnak betekintést kell engednie a látogatónak az étterem kínálatába.
A webhelyet hozzá kell adni a Google keresőkonzolhoz és a Google Analytics szolgáltatáshoz.
Az Adwords stb. rendszeren keresztüli internetes hirdetés a megfelelő időben, megfelelő hirdetésválasztással és célzással történik.
A VIP listára való feliratkozás lehetőségének elérhetőnek kell lennie a weboldalon.
Ezek konkrét példák arra, hogy mit kell tartalmaznia a Monaco étteremre összpontosító webhelynek. Természetesen a tartalom inkább a marketing orientáció és a célok alapján fejleszthető.
Van egy közös szál, amely áthatja a digitális marketinget, ami ebben a példában egy monacói étterem digitális marketingjéről szól – és ez az egyértelműség. Az egyértelműség rendkívül fontos és alapvető. Az egyértelműség azt jelenti, hogy a keresőmotorok a megfelelő helyen indexelik az információkat. Azt jelenti, hogy az információ a Google "restaurant Monaco" kulcsszavainál/keresőszavainál jelenik meg.
Koncentrálj a tisztaságra!
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Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.”
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was born in 1976 on June 21 in Mölle. Has knowledge in internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO). He has expertise in online personal brand strategy and expansion, market analysis, affiliate marketing web automation, extravagant search engine optimization methods. Other relevant knowledge and university studies can be found in the subjects of data analysis and statistics as well as in radiology and image analysis. He got part of his breakthrough when he started his craft company in 2008. Karl-Johan has a patent for the name "Gyllenstorm". Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has worked as a team base, project manager and site manager in previous professional activities. Gyllenstorm is one of the arms of the House of Knights.
Karl-Johan Gyllenstormś digital books.
Karl-Johan has over 16 years of experience in digital marketing.
The digital marketing journey started in 2008. Karl-Johanś first digital marketing project was a website for his painting business.The website was built in the Joomla system and dominated on relevant Top keywords in the painting industry. He now writes articles about marketing and search engine optimization in the Joomla system and shares his knowledge with the whole world.
Learn more about Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm.
Age: 48
Weight: 106 kg
Length: 188 cm
Shoe Size: 46
Hair color: Brown
Body type: Athletic
Instagram: gyllenstorm_kj
Twitter: gyllenstorm_kj
Medium: kgyllenstorm

- Reklāmkarogs veiksmīgi saglabāts.
- Kategorija: Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm
- Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm By
- Skatījumi: 34021
- SEO score for this article is: 62/ 100
- All rights reserved: The content is published with support from the freedom of expression constitution and the freedom of the press regulation © 2024.
- Longitude Latitude: -
- Geographical Area: Global
- Article subject: Joomla system 5.0.2
- Reading time: 2 min
- Age Target group is: Age 15-70
- The article contains: Digital marketing information
- XML synced to number of sitemaps: 23
- XML Synced: Synced with multi XML sitemaps
- .:
Who is Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm

- Reklāmkarogs veiksmīgi saglabāts.
- Kategorija: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm By
- Skatījumi: 384
- SEO score for this article is: 81/ 100
- All rights reserved: The content is published with support from the freedom of expression constitution and the freedom of the press regulation © 2024.
- Longitude Latitude: Longitude: 12.141769, Latitude: 51.255856
- Geographical Area: Lützen
- Article subject: Basic Youtube Video SEO in Lützen
- Reading time: 2-3 min
- Age Target group is: Age 17-90
- The article contains: Search engine optimization information
- XML synced to number of sitemaps: 23
- XML Synced: Synced with multi XML sitemaps
- .:
There are a number of basic measures that SEO experts use in Lützen to rank a Youtube Video high on Google. Which ones I will reveal in this article.
In the usual order when it comes to seo, it is about keywords/ search terms.
Keywords/search terms that are often associated with an industry, brand, product, person, etc in Lützen. When these keywords or keywords are entered into the Googleś search field, you want to be seen at the top of the rank position on Google Lützen with your content.
So to succeed with this, passionate seo specialists in Lützen follow certain rules when creating their video content for Youtube.
It starts with the name of the video file. The video file is named with the keywords selected from an SEO perspective.
After that, a video title is created that contains 8-12 words.
The first words of the video title must contain the keywords.
The next step is to create a video description.
At the top of the description, write 1-3 paragraphs # that contain the keywords - example -> #word1 #word2 #word3. After that follows the video description itself, this too must contain the keywords. The video description must consist of at least 300 words.
After that, tags are entered for the content.
Only the exact tags that match the keyword(s) selected are listed here. Being precise in clarity is fundamental in seo in Lützen.
The next step is the geographical location (in this case Lützen) of the video content, date and more.
And now for the last setting which is very important to maximize video seo.
Be sure that subtitles are activated. When this is activated, text fields are displayed in the video that are automatically generated by Youtube. For example, if a person in Lützen talks in a video, it is also shown in text at the bottom of the edge of the video. This affects rendering, ie when search spiders render the screen/ content to index the content in the search engine.
About Youtube Channel
Next step, describe your YouTube channel in Lützen briefly but in detail. At the beginning of the description, use the keyword(s).
Add links in your Youtube channel that are most relevant to the video.
For example, link to forums in Lützen that contain a larger amount of articles within the framework of your chosen topic/ search term/ keyword/ niche/ industry. Many people like to add their link for Instagram, Facebook etc and that's ok, but always weigh which link source has the best quality, most substance and most traffic. The link source that has the most substance, traffic and quality - that's the one you should choose.
Finally, create a custom Youtube url for your channel that includes your keyword/keyword/industry, company name, etc. Example - > https://youtube.com/
*Be careful with background music in combination with voice sounds. This can make it difficult to render voice sounds correctly.
Other links
- What is best? Linking to other "luxury cruisers in Monaco" content on the same web page or linking to content on an external website - SEO?
- Results of Measuring Youtube Channel with the PageSpeed Insights tool.
- Content and color choice for the web.
- By Commenting On Articles On The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times - Personal Or Business Seo Can Be Improved.
- Region Skåne polisanmäler vårdbolag - “Oacceptabla brister”
- Hemtjänst (sidoleverantör/ huvudleverantör) - Beställning av städning, diskning och tvättning. Åtagande och ansvar?
- Brotli Compression - Updated Joomla system 5.2.0 in server that support "Brotli Compression".
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.”
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was born in 1976 on June 21 in Mölle. Has knowledge in internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO). He has expertise in online personal brand strategy and expansion, market analysis, affiliate marketing web automation, extravagant search engine optimization methods. Other relevant knowledge and university studies can be found in the subjects of data analysis and statistics as well as in radiology and image analysis. He got part of his breakthrough when he started his craft company in 2008. Karl-Johan has a patent for the name "Gyllenstorm". Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has worked as a team base, project manager and site manager in previous professional activities. Gyllenstorm is one of the arms of the House of Knights.
Karl-Johan Gyllenstormś digital books.
Karl-Johan has over 16 years of experience in digital marketing.
The digital marketing journey started in 2008. Karl-Johanś first digital marketing project was a website for his painting business.The website was built in the Joomla system and dominated on relevant Top keywords in the painting industry. He now writes articles about marketing and search engine optimization in the Joomla system and shares his knowledge with the whole world.
Learn more about Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm.
Age: 48
Weight: 106 kg
Length: 188 cm
Shoe Size: 46
Hair color: Brown
Body type: Athletic
Instagram: gyllenstorm_kj
Twitter: gyllenstorm_kj
Medium: kgyllenstorm

- Reklāmkarogs veiksmīgi saglabāts.
- Kategorija: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Indexación deIcontenido incrustado (Valencia) ES By
- Skatījumi: 5453
- SEO score for this article is: 84/ 100
- All rights reserved: The content is published with support from the freedom of expression constitution and the freedom of the press regulation © 2024.
- Longitude Latitude: Longitude: -0.37739, Latitude: 39.46975
- Geographical Area: Valencia (Spain) (ES)
- Article subject: Indexación deIcontenido incrustado.
- Reading time: 3-5 min
- Age Target group is: Age 17-77
- The article contains: Search engine optimization information.
- XML synced to number of sitemaps: 23
- XML Synced: Synced with multi XML sitemaps
- .:
En una de mis publicaciones anteriores, di una serie de descripciones concretas de cómo puedes difundir tu marca personal o la marca de tu empresa en Internet.
Uno de los ejemplos incluía la creación de contenido en una base de datos que luego podría compartirse con otros mediante "código de inserción".
Si vamos un paso más allá y desde la perspectiva de la optimización de motores de búsqueda, la pregunta es si Google indexa el "contenido insertado".
La respuesta es SÍ, pero requiere una adición al código de la página web que contiene contenido incrustado.
Google tiene una etiqueta de robot única específicamente para "incrustar contenido" e indexar en el motor de búsqueda. La etiqueta debe agregarse a la página web antes de agregarla a Google Search Console para su indexación.
La etiqueta consta de las siguientes opciones de código:
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex" />
<meta name="googlebot" content="indexifembedded" />
<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex,indexifembedded" />
Según el propósito del contenido insertado publicado, el desarrollador web elige la etiqueta de Google Robots adecuada, es decir, 1, 2 o 3.
Entonces, con la ayuda de esta exclusiva etiqueta de robot de Google, puede, por ejemplo, crear una base de datos con diferentes valores de tabla y compartir la base de datos con otros sitios web al mismo tiempo que el contenido de la base de datos se indexa en el motor de búsqueda de Google. . Por supuesto, esto significa grandes oportunidades para compartir información en el motor de búsqueda de Google.es (Spain).
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.”
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was born in 1976 on June 21 in Mölle. Has knowledge in internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO). He has expertise in online personal brand strategy and expansion, market analysis, affiliate marketing web automation, extravagant search engine optimization methods. Other relevant knowledge and university studies can be found in the subjects of data analysis and statistics as well as in radiology and image analysis. He got part of his breakthrough when he started his craft company in 2008. Karl-Johan has a patent for the name "Gyllenstorm". Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has worked as a team base, project manager and site manager in previous professional activities. Gyllenstorm is one of the arms of the House of Knights.
Karl-Johan Gyllenstormś digital books.
Karl-Johan has over 16 years of experience in digital marketing.
The digital marketing journey started in 2008. Karl-Johanś first digital marketing project was a website for his painting business.The website was built in the Joomla system and dominated on relevant Top keywords in the painting industry. He now writes articles about marketing and search engine optimization in the Joomla system and shares his knowledge with the whole world.
Learn more about Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm.
Age: 48
Weight: 106 kg
Length: 188 cm
Shoe Size: 46
Hair color: Brown
Body type: Athletic
Instagram: gyllenstorm_kj
Twitter: gyllenstorm_kj
Medium: kgyllenstorm

- Reklāmkarogs veiksmīgi saglabāts.
- Kategorija: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Tempo di caricamento della pagina web Rome. By
- Skatījumi: 5460
- SEO score for this article is: 72/ 100
- All rights reserved: The content is published with support from the freedom of expression constitution and the freedom of the press regulation © 2024
- Longitude Latitude: Longitude: 12.496366, Latitude: 41.902782
- Geographical Area: Rome
- Article subject: Tempo di caricamento della pagina web.
- Reading time: 5-10 min
- Age Target group is: Age 17-74
- The article contains: Search engine optimization information.
- XML synced to number of sitemaps: 23
- XML Synced: Synced with multi XML sitemaps
- .:
Quanto tempo impiega una pagina web per caricarsi su un browser è assolutamente decisivo dal punto di vista SEO.
Le pagine Web non dovrebbero avere un tempo di caricamento troppo lungo. Di solito si dice che un tempo di caricamento di 2-5 secondi è accettabile ma non superiore a 5 secondi.
Una pagina web che si carica lentamente perderà visitatori, otterrà un posizionamento peggiore nei motori di ricerca e un'indicizzazione peggiore.
Cosa influenza il tempo di caricamento della pagina web e cosa si può fare per caricare rapidamente la pagina web?
Il contenuto è uno dei parametri che influenza il tempo di caricamento della pagina web. Nella maggior parte dei casi, il contenuto testuale non è un fattore che contribuisce a far sì che il tempo di caricamento del sito web sia troppo lungo. Ciò che causa un lungo tempo di caricamento di una pagina web sono immagini in formati di file più grandi, immagini non compresse, script Java di vario tipo, il server della pagina web è sovraccarico, la pagina web è sovraccarica ottenendo molti visitatori in base alla capacità del server web. Il sito web non è responsivo: il sito web non si adatta alle dimensioni del browser mobile, del tablet, ecc.
Un buon sito web è ben bilanciato in termini di design, informazioni e si carica rapidamente.
Un errore comune nello sviluppo web è costruire il sito web troppo pesante. Vuoi includere quanto più possibile sul sito web. Questo raramente è positivo in termini di SEO e fa sì che il sito web perda il suo scopo. Un altro classico è Javascript che le reti di affiliazione assegnano ai loro editori, questi javascript possono ridurre notevolmente il tempo di caricamento della pagina web e, a seconda della portata e dell'utilizzo di javascript, possono indirettamente distruggere più di quanto aggiungono.
Se vuoi pubblicare contenuti di affiliazione, prova a pubblicare contenuti html - link senza immagini, ad esempio - in questo modo manterrai il tempo di caricamento della pagina web e non lo degraderai.
Inoltre, Javascript può essere difficile da leggere: non si sa mai veramente cosa fa Javascript alla pagina web una volta pubblicato sulla pagina web.
Allora come si determina il tempo di caricamento della pagina web?
Esistono 3 strumenti utilizzati dagli sviluppatori web e dagli ottimizzatori dei motori di ricerca per misurare il tempo di caricamento di una pagina web.
Il primo strumento si chiama Google Page Speed ed è fornito da Google. Qui lo sviluppatore web aggiunge il suo indirizzo web e fa così scansionare la sua pagina web da Google. Google valuta la pagina web da diversi aspetti, uno dei quali è *SEO. Google fornisce allo sviluppatore web suggerimenti concreti su cosa si può fare meglio e come farlo.
Il prossimo strumento utilizzato per misurare il tempo di caricamento della pagina web è l'applicazione Chrome Light House. Un'applicazione che gli sviluppatori web installano nel proprio browser Chrome. L'applicazione valuta la pagina web allo stesso modo di Google Page Speed. L'applicazione Lighthouse è molto facile da usare ed è ovviamente gratuita!
L'ultimo strumento consigliato per misurare il tempo di caricamento della pagina web è GTMetrix. GTMetrix è più snello e non è tecnico come Google Page Speed ma è abbastanza sufficiente per poter misurare il tempo di caricamento di una pagina web. GTMetrix richiede la registrazione per poter prendere parte ai risultati di misurazione di una pagina web.
Cosa dovresti considerare se hai intenzione di costruire un sito web?
Se stai pensando di creare un sito web e in relazione a questo scegli di costruire il tuo sito web con una soluzione sito web gratuita, fai prima qualche ricerca e vedi se riesci a trovare altri che utilizzano la soluzione sito web attuale e poi fai un controllo del loro sito web tempo di caricamento utilizzando uno dei 3 strumenti sopra indicati da me consigliati. Non vuoi perdere tempo inutile creando una pagina web che nel passaggio successivo verrà caricata lentamente perché la pagina web è gestita da un server web/host web non valido.
È importante dal punto di vista del tempo di caricamento dove si trova il server web rispetto a dove si trova il visitatore web. Ad esempio, se il server web si trova in Australia e il visitatore web si trova nella Norvegia settentrionale, il tempo di caricamento della pagina web sarà probabilmente più lungo che se il visitatore web fosse stato in Australia. Quindi questo è un aspetto da considerare quando si crea un sito web, *costruire il sito web nello stesso paese in cui si trova il gruppo target. Cioè, scegliere un host web/server web nello stesso paese del proprio pubblico.
Usa meno Javascript possibile.
Comprimi le immagini.
Non rendere la pagina web troppo pesante, con troppe informazioni, evita di "progettare eccessivamente" la pagina web.
Scegli un host web/server web che abbia una buona capacità.
Quando utilizzi e pubblichi informazioni di affiliazione, pubblicale in formato html, se possibile.
Assicurati che il tempo di caricamento della pagina web non superi i 5 secondi.
Utilizza gli strumenti: Google Page Speed, Light House Chrome App e GTMetrix per misurare il tempo di caricamento della pagina web.

- Reklāmkarogs veiksmīgi saglabāts.
- Kategorija: SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm By
- Skatījumi: 18122
- SEO score for this article is: 70/ 100
- All rights reserved: The content is published with support from the freedom of expression constitution and the freedom of the press regulation © 2024.
- Longitude Latitude: Longitude -0.118092, Latitude 51.509865
- Geographical Area: London
- Article subject: Keep page rank on Google
- Reading time: 2-4 min
- Age Target group is: Age 15-70
- The article contains: Digital marketing information, SEO
- XML synced to number of sitemaps: 23
- XML Synced: Synced with multi XML sitemaps
- .:
Once You Reach Page Rank 1 on Google England - How Can You Keep The Rank Position on Google?
You have created content that matches your niche and achieved pagerank 1 on selected keywords that are related to your niche in Google search engineś in England.
Now comes the next phase in the search engine optimization process, namely keeping the place on Google England. The competition is tough and there is always new content that wants to take your place and downgrade your link positions on Google England. This means that your content must stand out, it must attract unique readers every day in order for you to maintain your top position on Google.
There are a number of simpler tricks that search engine optimizers in England use to maintain their link positions on Google that they have worked hard to achieve.
The following four search engine optimization techniques can be used to increase the likelihood of
maintaining a link's “top position” on Google:
● Link the content in the link to guest post integration. Regular guest post posts tell Google that the
content is popular, functional and active. If you are a user of Blogger, guest post integration is included.
● Make it easy for readers / visitors to share the link on social media. Use Add This, Share this free
solution. Content that is regularly shared on social media tells Google that the content is popular and
● Make small marginal changes to the content regularly. This signals to Google that something new
has happened to the existing content and will at best mean that Google crawls the content and indexes
● 1. Save all links that hold top position 1 in a spreadsheet and 2. send PING´s regularly. You can
send pings in bulk format and use Automater for example if you are a Mac user to simplify the process
Keep your top position on Google!
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Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.”
Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm was born in 1976 on June 21 in Mölle. Has knowledge in internet marketing with a focus on search engine optimization (SEO). He has expertise in online personal brand strategy and expansion, market analysis, affiliate marketing web automation, extravagant search engine optimization methods. Other relevant knowledge and university studies can be found in the subjects of data analysis and statistics as well as in radiology and image analysis. He got part of his breakthrough when he started his craft company in 2008. Karl-Johan has a patent for the name "Gyllenstorm". Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm has worked as a team base, project manager and site manager in previous professional activities. Gyllenstorm is one of the arms of the House of Knights.
Karl-Johan Gyllenstormś digital books.
Karl-Johan has over 16 years of experience in digital marketing.
The digital marketing journey started in 2008. Karl-Johanś first digital marketing project was a website for his painting business.The website was built in the Joomla system and dominated on relevant Top keywords in the painting industry. He now writes articles about marketing and search engine optimization in the Joomla system and shares his knowledge with the whole world.
Learn more about Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm.
Age: 48
Weight: 106 kg
Length: 188 cm
Shoe Size: 46
Hair color: Brown
Body type: Athletic
Instagram: gyllenstorm_kj
Twitter: gyllenstorm_kj
Medium: kgyllenstorm
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Karl-Johan Gyllenstorm is an SEO expert, marketing writer, he is certified in digital marketing by Google Digital Academy 2020. Karl-Johan is also known as “Gyllenstorm.” |